Keeping Your Pets Safe This Fourth of July

  • by Katie Nelms
  • July 1, 2022

Fourth of July is one of the most celebrated holidays in America. With that being said, it can also be one of the most frightening days for our pets. Here, we will talk about the best ways to keep your pets safe so that you can enjoy the party!

We all love a good burger, hot dog or ribs on the Fourth, but keep in mind that smoke from the grill and lighter fluid can be extremely hazardous to our animals, so take precautions to make sure they are away from all the grill action. But, maybe save them a bite! And of course, fireworks can be extremely frightening to our animals so try and provide distractions like treats or toys while you enjoy the show. You can also mask the loud sounds of the fireworks by using White Noise or turning on the TV. Make sure your pets stay hydrated with plenty of water because it can get incredibly hot on the Fourth of July, especially here in Florida. And lastly, you will want to make sure to pick up the trash and plastic from food, drinks and games at gatherings so they aren't picked up by your furry friends instead. 

​It's safe to say, the Fourth of July can be fun for us, but frightening for our pets. However, these simple efforts to keep your pets safe will make this day of the year less of a nightmare for them and more enjoyable for us. 

Stay safe and have a Happy Fourth Duval!






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