10 Events Happening This Weekend:
1. Friday, July 18 - Mellow Mushroom Jacksonville Beaches 5th yr. anniversary. Split Tone comes on at 10:30pm
2. Friday, July 18 - Summer Black Out Affair ( All Black Party) @ Voodoo Ultra Lounge at the Landing. Doors open at 9pm
3. Friday, July 18 - Mavericks is having their July Birthdays Party! Doors open at 8pm
4. Saturday, July 19 & Sunday, July 20 - Mega Pet Adoption Event at the Jacksonville Fair Grounds. Daily from 10am - 6pm
5. Saturday, July 19 - Ancient City Classic @ Pedro Menendez High, Finals begin at 7pm
6. Saturday, July 19 - Riverside Arts Market under the Fuller Warren Bridge in Riverside - 10am - 4pm
7. Saturday, July 19 - Tour the Catty Shack Ranch with a Night Feeding Tour. Gates open at 6pm; feeding begins at 7:30pm
8. Sunday, July 20 - Sumer Time in the City Music Showcase at 1904 - All Afternoon
9. Sunday, July 20 - American Idol Live will be at the St. Augustine Ampitheatre. Show at 7pm
10. Sunday, July 20 - $1 Bowling Night at latitude 30 from 7pm-close