2021 Jacksonville Veteran's Day Parade Route and Info

  • by Charles Wagoner
  • November 8, 2021

The City of Jacksonville invites residents and visitors to pay tribute to our military, past and present, at the annual Veterans Day Parade presented by The Law Offices of Ron Sholes, P.A. The parade will be held on Veterans Day, Thursday, Nov. 11 beginning at the corner of N. Jefferson Street and Water Street. Step off will be at 11:01 a.m.

“As a community, we are proud of and deeply grateful for the sacrifices and services of our military members and their families,” said Mayor Lenny Curry. “Our city is honored to host of one of the largest Veterans Day parades every year as we show our support and gratitude for not only those actively serving, but veterans of both past and present as well. All are welcome to join us Downtown as we gather to honor our local service members.”

The parade will feature Mayor Lenny Curry, Sheriff Mike Williams, U.S. Army veteran, Lieutenant Colonel Alton Yates and U.S. Air Force veteran Deloris Quaranta as the parade Grand Marshals as well as two of Jacksonville’s oldest veterans; Sollie Mitchell of the U.S. Army at age 103, and Daniel Stanley of the U.S. Navy at age 100. In addition, the parade will include senior military officials, active-duty and retired military units, veteran groups, local high school groups, decorative floats, and more.

The 2021 parade route begins at the corner of N. Jefferson Street and Water Street and heads East on Water Street to Laura Street, the parade will then head North on Laura Street to James Weldon Johnson Park and will turn left on Duval Street and then left on Hogan Street to Adams Street, the parade will then head West on Adams Street ending at Lee Street.

Parade spectators are encouraged to show their support by wearing red, white and blue, and waving flags. The parade can be viewed from multiple places along Water Street, Laura Street, Duval Street, Hogan Street, Adams Street, Riverfront Plaza and James Weldon Johnson Park. The parade can also be watched on WJXT Channel 4’s special live coverage.

Street closures for the parade will begin at 10:45 a.m. (unless otherwise noted) on Thursday, Nov. 11 and will include the following streets. 

  • Water Street from Lee Street to Broad Street. (Closed beginning at 7 a.m.)
  • Water Street from Broad Street to Hogan Street.
  • Independent Drive from Hogan Street to MainStreet
  • Bay Street from Main Street to I-95. 
  • Forsyth Street from S Myrtle Avenue to Main Street
  • Houston Street from Adams Street to Clay Street
  • Adams Street from Main Street to Johnson Street
  • Monroe Street from Julia Street to Main Street
  • Duval Street from Main Street to Julia Street
  • Laura Street from Independent Drive to Church Street
  • Hogan Street from Water Street to Church Street
  • Julia Street from Bay Street to Duval Street
  • Pearl Street from Adams Street to Water Street
  • Broad Street from Acosta Bridge North to Monroe Street
  • Jefferson Street from Monroe Street to Riverside Avenue
  • Madison Street from Forsyth Street to Adams Street
  • Davis Street from Forsyth Street to Monroe Street
  • Lee Street from Water Street to Monroe Street
  • Park Street from Stonewall Street to Water Street


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